You’re Younique Salt Cave

46-48 Napier St, Deniliquin NSW
p: (03) 5881 5509
m: 0418629051


What is Salt Therapy?

Salt therapy also known as Halotherapy is a drug free non-invasive treatment that alleviates the health problems associated with Astham, Allergies and a host of other respiratory and skin illnesses.

It is a modern day therapeutic method based on the principle of a natural salt min mocroclimate (SPELEOTHERAPY).

For those in good health it is used to improve general wellbeing and boost immunity.

You just naturally breathe in the microscopic salt particles which then help to reduce the basis of inflammation by attacking bacteria and strengthening the immune system.

Conditions that can be improved by salt therapy

Cronic (Ear, Nose, Throat) illness
Frequent ear infections
Frequent colds

Hay fever
Smokers cough
Cystic Fibrosis
Sleep apnoea

How Salt Therapy Works

By relaxing in a climate controlled Salt Cave for a period of 45mins, a machine called a Halogenerator produces a dry saline aerosol to where it is most needed-deep in your respiratory system.

The salt aerosol is blown directly into the cave via an opening. The floor is covered with mineral salt and in our cave we have a display of Himalayan salt brick walls. This provides a negative ion environment which contributes wellbeing and promotes stress reduction.

(Just like sitting by the Sea)

What are the main Benefits of Salt Therapy?

Salt has the natural property of being able to absorb.

As microscopic salt particles are inhaled, it is able to thin out and absorb the extra mucus. This then allows a person to release the mucus more easily.

Salt is a natural antiseptic and anti-inflammatory. When inhaled the micropcopic salt is able to widen the airways and help free blockages in the respiratory system.

Can Children Benefit?

Absolutely! Salt room therapy for children is very effective for their health, wellbeing and illnesses. Our cave has a calming effect for everyone and the good things is children can play with the salt in the Salt Cave and not even realise the health benefits!

A parent/guardian must accompany the child under 13 for the season. This is a bonus as the supervising adult receives a free session.

How do I start Salt Therapy?

In order to gain more information on the Salt Cave and to begin salt cave sessions one must first attend a consultation.

Consultations are typically 15 minutes where we explain your various options, these are free with no obligations.

We also sell a large range of TEA TONIC products fresh from Melbourne
